四人、五人英语话剧剧本(英汉双语)(2010-12-23 11:49:20) 转载 标签: 橘子英语话剧剧本双语文化 第一幕:Bill and Marry are all students, they have fallen in love with each other for nearly 2 months. The class is over, Bill promised to meet Marry after class.女生跑出教学楼,男生迎了上去。男:你下课了?我等了你一个小时。B:Darling, the class is so long, I have waited for you for nearly one hour.女:对不起,那个数学老师拖堂了四十分钟。G:Sorry, Bill, the mathematics teacher has runned overtime for nearly 40 minutes.男:没事的。(变出一个橘子来,女生表示很开心)看,多漂亮的橘子。B:That’s all right. Haha, look, how beautiful a Orange it is.女:你对我真好。(男剥了橘子,要喂给女生吃,女生不吃。)G:You are so nice to me.女:我们分着吃吧。G:Let us eat it together , ok?男:我吃过了。(喂给女生吃了。)B:Baby, I have ate it, This Orange is special for you.女:真好吃,我们一起去图书馆看书吧。G:It tastes so delicious. Let’s go to the library and read books.男:好的,走吧。B:Ok, let’s go.第二幕:After one year, the two students graduate from school, they work at different corporation. They rent a small house far away from their work places, for the rent cost is mach small.两个人都毕业了,分别在两家公司上班。在租住的小出租屋里。女:亲爱的,我回来了。太累了,公交车太挤了。G:Darling, I’m back. I’m so tired, the bus is always too crowded.男:你怎么又回来晚了,我几乎无法忍受。B:How do you back home late again? I can hardly bear this.女:只晚了10分钟而已,当初我们热恋的时候,你等我好几小时。G:Late only 10 minutes, when we were in school, you could wait me several hours.男:你看我,天天准时回家。B:But, but I can be back on time everyday.女:你是准时回家,但是你就挣那么一点钱,回家也不做饭。G:Yes, I admit. But you salary is so little. You don’t cook meals after you back home.男:做饭都是女人的事情。B:Cooking is a the rubbish job special for women.女:我不愿意跟你争吵,你是没用的家伙。我同学嫁给有钱的老公,人家住别墅,还有车,不用上班,也不用做饭。你看,我们现在什么都没有,还住这样的破房子。G:Ok, I don’t want to quarrel with you,you are a useless folk. My best friend lily married to a wealth men, they have owned luxury houses、cars.She don’t have to work, cook meals. You see, we have nothing, we still live in such old house.男:我要是找个有钱的女朋友,也不用这么累。B:If I hunt for a wealth girl as my girlfriend, I also don’t have to so tried and quarrel with a crazy women.女:那你去找富家女吧,找很多富家女,只要你有那个实力。G:Ok, you have the right to seek a wealth girl, seek many wealth girls, If you have the ability。第三幕:They quarrel almost every week for various reasons. They live like this day after day. A year has past, Bill recognized a wealthy women. Marry met a wealthy men.(在饭店里:)富姐:你长得真帅,比我前夫帅多了。Nabobess:You look so smart,and much better than my ex-husband.男:是吗?我女朋友天天埋怨我没钱、没车、没房。B:Really? My girlfriend always complains that I’m poor, can’t afford to buy cars and big house.富姐:跟她分手吧,跟我吧,到我们公司当总经理。Nabobess:Say good-bye to her and marry with me, I will give you what you like, and then you will undertake the manger of my company.男:可是我还爱她,只是我现在没钱,才会这样。B:But I love her, all problems come from lacking money.(大款从车里出来,女生跟了上去。)大款:宝贝,你今天真漂亮。Tycoon:Baby, you look so beautiful today.女:真的吗?G:Really?大款:必须的,我带你去吃大餐。Tycoon;Certainly,Let’s have a big meal in that Hote.女:你真好,我还要买漂亮衣服,还有项链。G:You are so generous. Let’s go shopping after meal. You buy clothes and necklace for me.大款:没问题Tycoon:No problem, darling.第四幕:(女回家了,阴着脸。)男:你又回家晚了。B:You back home late again.女:我们分手吧。G:Let’s break up.男:为什么?B:why? Why break up.女:我找了个有钱的男朋友,你看,这就是他给我买的衣服。G:I get along with a wealthy boyfriend, you see, he bought beautiful clothes and necklace for me.男:好吧,分手吧,我希望你幸福。B:Ok, break up, I loyal hoped you can be happy!第五幕:Five years has past Since they broke up. During the five years, they have never met each other. One day they meet in the street by accident, Bill suggest to have coffee together.(分手五年年后,他们在咖啡屋相遇。)男:这些年,你还好吗?你有钱的老公对你好吗?B: How have you been these years? Is your wealthy husband still kind to you?女:我跟他也分手了,嫁给了我现在的老公,你呢?G:I break up with him, I married with anther man which is also poor. And you.男:不快乐,我不爱她,娶她只是为了她的钱。很怀念我们大学时候的日子。B:I’m not happy, I don’t love her, I marry with her is only for her money. I always bring my mind to the days we were together on campus.女:是啊,那时我们虽然是穷学生,那时候我们可以一起分吃一个橘子,但是很开心。G:Me too, although we were poor that days, we ate an orange together, but I felt so sweet.男:(不语,低下头,若有感触)B:(science)