1. 给我一个关于加油的英文句子,带译文.
Cheer up! Our troubles will soon be over.
Don't let one failure discourage you, try again.
You need to take the bull by the horns.
Don't look so blue and cheer up.
I must face the music and accept responsibility.
Don't lose heart, whatever happens.
No matter what happens, don't be discouraged.
I must try and face problems properly – I am not scared of it.
Try to cheer up. We all support you the same.
I am always here to support and encourage you along the way.
2. 给人鼓励 、加油的话用英语怎么说1.Come on,you are the best!
2.Be of good cheer!
3.Bear up, Lead road.
4.Cheer up! Victory is just round the corner.
5.Come on, keep at it, you' ve nearly finished !
加油, 别松劲, 你眼看就完成了!
3. 加油英语怎么说 falting加油用英语怎么说?加油是个日常用语,有好多英语翻译。用哪个合适要看上下文,以及说话对象等。
看比赛时的“加油”怎么说? 这个大家小时候就学过的,用“Come on China!”,“Come on England”就可以了。
看球连续喊“加油” 连续喊着“Come on China! Come on China!”听起来是不是有点别扭?所以喊:“Chi-na! Chi-na! Chi-na!”,有气势多了吧?
“为xx加油”英语怎么说?“Cheer somebody on”比较常用。例句:We cheered the players on.(我们为运动员加油。) “root for”也可以表示为?加油,例句:Our friends were all rooting for us.(我们的朋友都在为我们加油。)
鼓励快要奔溃的朋友怎么说“加油” 这种情况下,跟汉语不同的是,英语没有一个方便、通用的说法,就给两个例子吧!
A: I still have 3,000 words to write of my essay. B: Good luck.
A: I am going to have to work until midnight everyday this week. B: Don't worry, it'll all be over soon.
加油做某事 这个也没有通用的说法,通过例子来体会一下:
1)Up to now, everything is all right. More power to your elbow! 迄今为止,一切都好,加油干吧!
2)I'll have to push on with my work. 我得加油工作了。
6. 为汽车“加油”怎么说呢?“To refuel”或者“to fill up”最常用,而且这个不分英式美式英语。顺带提一下,“加油站”在英国是“petrol station”,在美国是“gas station”。
例句:I need to find a petrol station to fill up the car.(我要找加油站,汽车该加油了。)