1. 释义区别:
- Joker:表示一个滑稽、幽默的人或角色,常常以讲笑话、搞恶作剧等方式娱乐他人。
- Clown:专指一种表演艺术家,通常身穿花哨的服装,画有夸张的妆容,以滑稽动作和表情带给观众欢乐。
- He's always telling jokes and making everyone laugh. He's a real joker.(他总是讲笑话,让大家笑个不停。他是一个真正的滑稽人。)
- The circus clown entertained the children with his funny tricks.(马戏团的小丑用他有趣的把戏娱乐着孩子们。)
2. 用法区别:
- Joker:可以指代一个人的性格特点或角色,也可以指代扮演者或出演的角色。
- Clown:专指一个具有特定形象和技能的表演者。
- He's such a joker, always pulling pranks on his friends.(他是个玩笑大师,总是捉弄他的朋友。)
- The clown made the audience burst into laughter with his hilarious performance.(小丑以他滑稽的表演让观众笑翻了。)
3. 使用环境区别:
- Joker:常用于描述幽默、搞笑和逗乐的场合,可以包括在家庭、社交、娱乐等环境中。
- Clown:通常用于马戏团、儿童活动、演艺表演等专门的表演场所。
- He always plays the joker at family gatherings, making everyone laugh.(他在家庭聚会上总是演出滑稽的角色,让大家忍俊不禁。)
- The children were delighted by the clown's presence at the birthday party.(小丑的出现使得孩子们在生日派对上开心不已。)
4. 形象区别:
- Joker:形象通常与有趣的、恶作剧的、幽默的特质相关联。
- Clown:形象通常与多彩的服装、夸张的化妆、善于滑稽表演的特质相关联。
- He always has a mischievous smile on his face, just like a joker.(他总是脸上挂着恶作剧般的笑容,就像个小丑。)
- The clown's brightly colored costume and red nose brought joy to the audience.(小丑鲜艳的服装和红鼻子给观众带来了欢乐。)
5. 影响范围区别:
- Joker:影响范围相对较广,可以包括文化、娱乐、电影等领域。
- Clown:主要影响范围集中在马戏表演、儿童娱乐等特定领域。
- His hilarious jokes made him quite a joker on social media.(他的笑料让他在社交媒体上成为了一个滑稽人物。)
- The circus clown's performance brought joy to audiences all over the world.(马戏团小丑的表演给全世界观众带来了欢乐。)