笑话大全网 - 爆笑笑话 - who are you什么意思

who are you什么意思

who are you你是谁。

英 [hu? ɑ? ju]?美 [hu? ɑ?r j?] 。

意思:你是谁?; 是谁?; 谁?; 网上有缘?; 隐藏人物。


No matter?who?you?are, as long as you have a flash of greedy thoughts, it will be hard to fufill your desire.?



1、he who hesitates is lost。当断不断,必受其患。

2、he who pays the piper calls the tune。谁出钱谁做主, 财大者气粗。

3、as who should say。可谓;似乎在说。

4、he who laughs last laughs longest。别高兴得太早, 笑到最后才笑得最好。