笑话大全网 - 爆笑笑话 - 关于夏天的英语



1、Summer ped with a flurry of activities, family vacations, visiting grandparents and summer fun. 一个夏天就这样在家庭休假,探望祖父母以及夏日休闲中过去了。

2、Their new Summer Short has been blasted all over the internet, blogs, and news feeds. 他们的夏季短裤已经在互联网、博客和新闻传输上刮起了一阵疾风。

3、The average number of river frozen days has been reduced and the problems ociated with ice have been minimized and limited to the reservoir area. 凌期平均封河日期推迟、平均开河日期提前、封冻天数缩短,冰情、冰害有所减轻且主要发生在库区;在一定程度上缓解了宁夏引黄灌区春灌缺水的局面。

4、At Munich-based Siemens, for example, the number of short-time employees has declined from 19,000 last summer to 600 today. 在总部慕尼黑的西门子公司,短时工的数量已经从去年夏天的19,000降到了今天的600。

5、Provence's most refreshing is that it is always full of air lavender, thyme, pine. 这句话好假,只要夏天的普罗旺斯才有薰衣草味,但是也有很多阿人的狐臭味。

6、Summer is the glorious time of the year when most of us can put on our shorts and short- sleeved shirts and actually feel the air and sunlight on our skin; 浪漫夏季,这是xx年中最灿烂的季节,我们可以穿上短裤,短袖衬衣,尽情地感受着夏日的空气以及播撒在皮肤上的阳光;

7、The third day. He said he'd be here. 它是我们的夏天假日的第三天。

8、Compared with the “summer” pups, the “winter” pups’ biological clock genes were turned on for shorter periods regardless of the day lengths they were exposed to postweaning. 不论断奶时间长短,相比“夏季”出生幼仔,“冬季”出生幼仔的生物钟基因开启时间较短。

9、It is inherited in Yorkshire Terriers and German Shorthaired Pointers. 在约克夏梗和德国短毛指示犬中为遗传病。

10、Malamutes usually have a shorter and less dense coat during the summer months. 马拉慕通常有短,密度较低,大衣,在夏季的几个月。

11、Foobar Summer Hit! 夏日冲击!

12、We summered by Lake Geneva. 我们在日内瓦湖畔度过夏天。

13、It happens that I had visited Beijing before, for three days in the summer of 2006, as the first stop on a month-long tour of China. xx年夏天,我曾进行了长达一个月的中国之旅,并在北京短暂游玩了3天。

14、The hottest days of summer begin after the summer solstice and come in three stages with each period lasting for about 10 days. 夏至后夏天最热的日子开始了,然后就进入三伏天了,每一阶段大约10天。