笑话大全网 - 爆笑笑话 - 142.《小猪佩奇》|猪爸爸减肥记











旁白:Mummy Pig is watching a keep fit program

on television.

电视节目:"Come on, now, that's right." "bend it, stretch it," "bend it, stretch it." Ahhh! and one and two

爸爸:I love watching television.

电视节目:and three and four

爸爸:What's this, Mummy Pig?

电视节目:and one and two

妈妈:It's a program about doing exercises to keep fit.

爸爸:Thank goodness! I don't have to exercise!

I'm naturally fit.

佩奇:You don't look very fit, Daddy; your tummy is a bit big!

爸爸:I'm very fit! I'll show you! What shall I do first?

佩奇:Touch your toes. Like this!


佩奇:Daddy! Stop pretending that you can't touch your toes.

爸爸:Err... I'm not pretending, Peppa.

旁白:Daddy Pig really cannot touch his toes.

佩奇:Oh, dear, Daddy! That's not very good!

爸爸:Hmmm... Maybe I should do a bit of exercise.

佩奇:Yes, Daddy.

爸爸:And I will start...tomorrow!

妈妈:Daddy Pig! You have to start exercising now!


佩奇:Don't worry, Daddy, I will help you.

爸爸:Oh, alright! Peppa, you're in charge of getting me fit. What should I do first?

佩奇:First, you must do some press-ups!


佩奇:One, two. There. Very good, Daddy. Now, I want you to do...One hundred!

爸爸:One hundred?!


妈妈:Come on, children, help me make lunch.

爸爸:I'll help as well.

佩奇:No, Daddy! You've got one hundred press-ups to do.

爸爸:Oh. One...Two...Three...

旁白:Mummy Pig, Peppa and George


旁白:are in the kitchen making lunch.


旁白:Daddy Pig is still doing his press-ups.


佩奇:Daddy is doing Eight! very well.




妈妈:I do hope he's not overdoing it.


佩奇:I'll go and see.

爸爸:Thirteen!... Fourteen!...Fifteen!...Sixteen!... Seventeen!..

佩奇:Daddy Pig! You're cheating! You should be doing press-ups!

爸爸:Oh! Err...There was something interesting on the TV.

佩奇:Naughty Daddy!

妈妈:Maybe Daddy will have more success with my old exercise bike.

爸爸:Aha! This looks like fun! I'll be able to cycle and watch TV at the same time.

爸爸:It's impossible! This bike is too noisy. I can't hear the TV!

妈妈:You've got to get fit somehow.

佩奇:I know! You can use my bicycle.

妈妈:Yes, and then you'll get some fresh air as well.

旁白:Daddy Pig is going to ride on Peppa's little bicycle.

佩奇:Daddy, these are the pedals. These are the brakes...And this is the bell.

爸爸:Yes! Yes! Thank you, Peppa, I know. Bye bye.

爸爸:Easy as pie!

旁白:Getting fit is quite hard work.?

爸爸:Aha! Now I can get fit without having to pedal!

旁白:Daddy Pig is going very fast.

爸爸:Oh! Maybe I'd better slow down.

爸爸:Arrgh! The brakes aren't strong enough! Help!

旁白:Daddy Pig has been gone for a long time.

佩奇:Mummy, where can Daddy be?

妈妈:Don't worry, Peppa. Daddy must be really

enjoying himself to be away for so long.

佩奇:Daddy! where have you been?

爸爸:I whizzed all the way down the hill, and then I had to push the bike all the way back up again.

妈妈:Oh! Poor Daddy Pig!

爸爸:Well, at least I've done my exercise.

妈妈:Yes. For today.

爸爸:What do you mean?

妈妈:You'll have to do some more exercise tomorrow.


佩奇:Daddy, to get fit, you have to exercise every day.

爸爸:Oh, no.

佩奇:But don't worry, Daddy, I'll make sure you do it.

爸爸:Yes! I know you will.