人的表情(expression)非常丰富,光是「笑容」就有十多种。英文中以我们熟知的说法为 *** ile 和 laugh。 *** ile 指的是嘴角上扬,没有发出笑声的「微笑」,而 laugh 则是有发出笑声的「大笑」。此外, *** ile 和 laugh 可以是动词,也可以是名词。除了 *** ile(微笑)和laugh(大笑)以外,你还想到怎么用英文说其他的「笑」吗?一起来学学怎么用英文「笑出来」吧!
knowing *** ile / *** ile knowingly 会心一笑My friend nodded and gave me a knowing *** ile.?我朋友对我点点头,露出会心一笑。
The o boys *** iled at each other knowingly.?那两个男孩很有默契地相视而笑。
snicker (v.) 偷笑The students snickered behind the teacher’s back.?同学们在老师背后偷笑。
furtive *** ile 偷笑The shy little girl gave him a furtive *** ile.?那个害羞的小女孩对他偷笑。
laugh out loud 哈哈大笑I laughed out loud when I saw that funny video.?我看那部搞笑影片时笑翻了。
laugh heartily 哈哈大笑
The audience laughed heartily at the edian’s joke.?那名喜剧演员的笑话逗得观众哈哈大笑。
wry *** ile / *** ile wryly苦笑When I asked about Roger’s divorce, he just gave me a wry *** ile.?当我问及罗杰离婚的事,他只给我一个苦笑。
He just *** iled wryly when I asked about his divorce.?我问他有关离婚的事,他只对我苦笑。
laugh bitterly 苦笑The man laughed bitterly as he talked about his troubled past.?说到自己不堪回首的往事,那名男子对我苦笑。
*** irk (v./n.) 假笑,得意地笑What are you *** irking about?你为什么笑得那么贼?
Wipe that *** irk off your face!?卸下你那虚假的笑容!
sneer (v./n.) 冷笑,轻蔑地笑Brad always sneers at the way I dress.?布莱德总是对我的穿着嗤之以鼻。
She looked at him with a sneer of disgust.?她一脸厌恶地看着他冷笑。
giggle (v./n.) 傻笑,咯咯笑Jane always giggles when she gets nervous.?珍紧张时都会傻笑。
Monica’s annoying giggle is driving me crazy.?莫妮卡恼人的咯咯笑声快把我逼疯了。
chuckle (v./n.) 轻笑,暗自发笑Bill chuckled as he read the story.?比尔在读那篇故事时暗自发笑。
That ic strip is always good for a chuckle.?那则连环漫画总是令人发噱。