上网时,好友发过来一个链接,打开一看是个超级搞笑的视频,于是,你又把这个链接发送给了更多的人。于是网络爆红现象应运而生。而该现象还有个专业术语:Internet meme网络迷因。
An Internet meme, is some kind of idea or piece of information that spreads very rapidly across a large number of Internet users. It's a bit like the online equivalent of an inside joke, a fashionable, attention-grabbing concept that a large number of Internet users become aware of. A meme often takes the form of a hyperlink, propagated via e-mail, blogs, social networking, instant messaging, etc.
A meme might be a joke or quotation, a rumor or simple fact, an image, piece of video, or even a particular website ? virtually any titbit that can be passed from one person to another via electronic communication. A key facet of a meme is that it is voluntary, a communication which spreads from one place to the next without any kind of compulsion or automation.
Memes might stay the same as they transfer from one source to another, but can sometimes 'evolve', modified or expanded by each new recipient. They can also fade as fast as they spread, ascending in popularity and then disappearing within a matter of days.