笑话大全网 - 爆笑笑话 - 一个单词







机进料口; 保护罩;电引出罩

橡皮套, 套管, 胎裂救急套

进料斗, 接受器, 料仓

屋面管(凸缘)套, 水落管槽

开沟器, 滑脚

[the boot][俚]解雇


[口]开心, 愉快

战利品; 脏物

砖, 浮砖, 浮圈




put on[off]boots


boot clamp


boot training

[美俗]海军(陆战队)的新兵训练; 上述训练的时间

a boot camp


They gave him the boot for coming late.


Your joke gives me a boot.



as old boots (=like old boots) 劲头十足地; 极厉害地; 彻底地

be in sb.'s boots 处在某人的地位, 设身处地为别人想一想

beat sb. out of his boots [口]彻底打败某人

bet one's boots 敢用一切担保; 有把握, 必然, 一定

die with one's boots on (=die in one's boots) 死于非命, 暴死; 在工作时期死去

get the boot [俚]被解雇, 被开除, 被抛弃

get the boot on the wrong foot 错怪, 错赏, 误解

put the boot on the wrong foot 错怪, 错赏, 误解

get the boot on the wrong leg 错怪, 错赏, 误解

put the boot on the wrong leg 错怪, 错赏, 误解

get too big for one's boot [口]变得自高自大, 自以为了不起, 摆架子

grow too big for one's boot [口]变得自高自大, 自以为了不起, 摆架子

get too big for one's breeches [口]变得自高自大, 自以为了不起, 摆架子

get too big for one's shoes [口]变得自高自大, 自以为了不起, 摆架子

get too big for one's trousers [口]变得自高自大, 自以为了不起, 摆架子

grow too big for one's breeches [口]变得自高自大, 自以为了不起, 摆架子

grow too big for one's shoes [口]变得自高自大, 自以为了不起, 摆架子

grow too big for one's trousers [口]变得自高自大, 自以为了不起, 摆架子

give sb. the boot [俚]解雇某人, 开除某人; 突然抛弃某人

give sb. the order of the boot [俚]解雇某人, 开除某人; 突然抛弃某人

go down in one's boots [口]吓坏了,吓得魂不附体

go it boots [口]起劲地干,加油干

go to bed in one's boots 酩酊大醉

I'll eat my boots if ... (赌咒语)要是...我就不是人; 我决不...

in seven-league boots 飞速, 极快

lick sb.'s boots 向某人屈服, 迁就某人, 奉承某人

lick sb.'s feet 向某人屈服, 迁就某人, 奉承某人

lick sb.'s shoes 向某人屈服, 迁就某人, 奉承某人

lick sb.'s spittle 向某人屈服, 迁就某人, 奉承某人

lick the boots off 使惨败

move one's boots [口]动身, 出发, 离开

start one's boots [口]动身, 出发, 离开

put the boot in 猛踢 采取决定性的行动

rise out of one's boots 飞快地起床, 从床上飞快地跳起

Scotch boot [废]木靴子(一种夹脚的刑具)

shake in one's boots 吓得发抖

shiver in one's boots 吓得发抖

strike in the boots 史给犯人穿木靴子

The boot is on the other foot . 责任在其他方面 错怪了人 事实恰恰相反

The boot is on the other leg. 责任在其他方面 错怪了人 事实恰恰相反

wipe one's boots on sb. 侮辱某人

boot and saddle 急速; 加快; 骑兵上马的军号

boots and all [澳, 新]不受拘束地, 全力以赴地

boot out 强行解雇