笑话大全网 - 搞笑笑话 - 根据小黄人编写作文


1. 一年级看图写话快乐的小黄人



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3. 描写小黄人漫画的作文

Minions is a 2015 American 3D puter-animated family edy film, serving as a spin-off/prequel to the Despicable Me franchise. Produced by Illumination Entertainment for Universal Pictures, it was directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda, written by Brian Lynch, and produced by Chris Meledandri and Ja Healy. The film stars Coffin (as the Minions), Sandra Bullock,Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney, and Steve Coogan, and is narrated by Geoffrey Rush. It was first foreshadowed in the end credits of Despicable Me 2, where Kevin, Stuart, and Bob, three of the Minions, are seen auditioning for the film.Minions had its premiere on June 11, 2015, in Leicester Square, London, and went into general release in the United States on July 10, 2015. Critical response was mixed: some critics praised the edic aspects of the film and the performances of Bullock and Hamm, while others felt that the titular characters were not able to carry the film on their own, and that the villains were flatly characterized. The film has grossed over $1.1 billion worldwide (outgrossing both Despicable Me films), making it the 10th highest-grossing film of all time, the 2nd highest-grossing animated film, and the highest-grossing non-Disney animated film.Minions are *** all, yellow creatures who have existed since the beginning of time, evolving from single-celled ani *** s into beings who exist only to serve history's most villainous masters. They speak their own language, Minionese, a conlang consisting of funny sounding words from Italian, Korean, and other languages. They find great masters—including a T-Rex, acaveman, an Egyptian pharaoh, Dracula,and Napoleon,—but after accidentally killing nearly all of them with their inpetence, they decide to isolate themselves from the world and start a new life in Antarctica.By 1968, the lack of a master to serve drives them into depression, so Kevin, one fearless Minion, plans to find a new one for them by going back out into the world. Stuart—a bored, teenaged minion who is obsessed with guitars—joins him reluctantly, as does an over-enthusiastic Bob, whom Kevin only chooses because of no one else willing to volunteer.After a long journey, the Minions arrive in New York, where they soon learn about Villain-Con, a convention to be held in Orlando where supervillains gather from around the world. Theyhitchhike to Orlando, where they successfully bee the henchmen for Scarlet Overkill, the world's first female supervillain. As Scarlet takes the Minions to her home to London, Kevin immediately notifies the other Minions back home. In Antarctica, the other Minions begin working for a Yeti, but once again accidentally kill their leader. Fleeing from the Yeti's angry friends, they travel around the world to find Kevin, who had already told them to meet the trio in England.Scarlet and the Minions arrive at her home, where she orders them to steal St. Edward's Crown from Queen Elizabeth II of England and later shows through a bedtime story that she'll kill them if they fail. With gadgets from Herb, Scarlet's hu *** and, the Minions successfully break into the Tower of London. However, the crown is being delivered to the Queen, so they steal it from her while she's in her carriage, with the police in pursuit. Bob crashes onto the mythical Sword in the Stone and pulls the sword, Excalibur, out to defend himself. After he has pulled out the legendary sword, Elizabeth II is immediately removed from the throne and Bob is crowned as the new King of England.Convinced they are traitors for stealing her dream, Scarlet confronts the Minions and threatens to execute them for good. King Bob abdicates in Scarlet's favor, but she still doesn't five the Minions, locking them in the palace dungeon to be tortured by Herb. The Minions' unusual physiology prevent them from being affected by the torture and Herb eventually leaves to attend his wife's coronation. The Minions then escape the dungeon through a sewer, intending to apologize to Scarlet.At Westminster Abbey, the Minions accidentally interrupt Scarlet's coronation by unscrewing a chandelier, which falls and crushes Scarlet before she can be crowned. Scarlet survives and orders those attending the coronation—including some super-villains—to get the Minions. Stuart and Bob are captured while Kevin hides in a bar where he finds Elizabeth. Kevin learns that Stuart and Bob are to be executed and breaks into Herb's laboratory, with villains chasing him. He accidentally triggers an experimental machine that enlarges him, destroying the Overkill residence in the process, which scares the villains away。

4. 关于小黄人300字的作文



5. 作文我喜欢的小黄人 600






6. 我的玩具小黄人作文300字





7. 写小黄人拯救森林的作文400字





一天早晨,从公园里传来了阵阵哀叹.“ 玫瑰妹妹,你不舒服吗?”一棵白杨树对身边一株垂头丧气的红玫瑰关心地问.“ 啊!没什么,我只不过是在回忆往日湛蓝的天空和清新的空气.”玫瑰有些伤心地说.“你说得不错.”一颗绿茵茵的小草叶加入了白杨和玫瑰的交谈,“我觉得现在的日子越来越不好过,真希望人们能意识到我们的苦楚,***同装扮绿色的地球.”白杨立刻点头称是:“我也盼望有一天,人们能提高环保意识,让地球和以前一样美丽富饶.”“是啊……”三种植物一直这样讨论着.

