笑话大全网 - 古代笑话 - 英语翻译 + 找错误

英语翻译 + 找错误

But in this cartoon,the mouse doesn’t fear it,and fight with Tom.So I think this is the strangest thing I konw.这句话的翻译是(在这张漫画里,这只老鼠并不害怕它,并且与Tom在一起战争。所以我认为这是我见过最奇怪的事我知道。) 你有没有觉得有一点别扭?与汤姆在一起《战争》,个人认为觉得战争这个词不好,我觉得应该改成 dozen ,这个词是打闹的意思。最后一句话也很奇怪既然说了是奇怪的事,就不用加I know 了,翻译的时候就翻不通了。

我觉得应该把最后一句该成And with Tom dozen, I think this is the strangest thing . 比较好。

strang,konw 拼写错啦~ afraid 后加of


I have ever seen the strangest thing was a mouse does not afraid a cat , the mouse’s name is Jerry,and the cat’s name is Tom. It is a cartoon,but I think it is very strang. In our life,mice are afraid cats,and they even afraid to run into cats.But in this cartoon,the mouse doesn’t fear it,And with Tom dozen, I think this is the strangest thing.


