Ring........ring! "The dismissal bell rang. Bravo! Another school day was
over! Thought Cindy as she dash out of the school.
While she was walking home as she sing along , she saw a old fragile looking
man with white hair sitting on the pavement, and from the old man's expression
she knew that the old man has some problems .So ,she walk up to the old man and
ask him what is wrong. The old man said that he has come out to have a walk but
he go see this see that and was lost. Cindy said that she will bring him to the
police to ask for directions. The old man said" thank you!"
When Cindy ask the police for address of where the old man lives ,she was
surprise to know that the old man actually live near where she lives. So, she
told the old man to follow her home.
When she had reach the old man's home ,the old man and his family members
praise Cindy for been a kind-hearted girl while she was beaming for ear to
戒指........戒指! “解雇铃响布拉沃!另一所学校的一天了!思想辛迪为她冲出的学校。