笑话大全网 - 经典笑话大全 - “cuckold”意思及用法是什么?


英音?['k?k?ld]?; ?美音?['k?k?ld]?;


1. 妻子有外遇的人;戴绿帽子的人





All of a sudden, he flared up, slapped himself on the face, and began reviling himself through clenched teeth! "You old cuckold!他忽然发狠,自己打了一个巴掌,咬着牙齿在心里骂道:“老乌龟!

Ah Fu laughed scornfully and said, "Who made me a cuckold?阿福冷笑道:“王八是谁挑我做的?

Be a cuckold husband戴绿头巾

Cuckoldry:The state of being a cuckold.戴绿帽:成为戴绿帽者的状况.

The act of making someone a cuckold.使某人成为戴绿帽者的行为.


All of a sudden, he flared up, slapped himself on the face, and began reviling himself through clenched teeth! "You old cuckold!他忽然发狠,自己打了一个巴掌,咬着牙齿在心里骂道:“老乌龟!

Ah Fu laughed scornfully and said, "Who made me a cuckold?阿福冷笑道:“王八是谁挑我做的?

Be a cuckold husband戴绿头巾

Cuckoldry:The state of being a cuckold.戴绿帽:成为戴绿帽者的状况.

The act of making someone a cuckold.使某人成为戴绿帽者的行为.

What is not known so clearly is what causes a female to cuckold her mate.至于是什么原因使雌鸟给配偶戴“绿帽子”还不太清楚。

Finally, a Chinese-American in the delegation took the man aside and informed him that to wear a green hat is the Chinese symbol of a cuckold.最后,代表团里一位华裔把这个人扯到一旁,告诉他,在中文里,戴绿帽就是妻子有外遇的意思。

But a lust which attracts men to women who are probably no better nor any worse than other women, and which allows those men to cuckold their rivals, will do very well indeed.不过有一种色欲是有竞争力的,它使男人被那些不比别的女人好也不比别的女人差的女人吸引,并且给别的竞争对手戴绿帽子。

He is not aware that he has been made a cuckold.他被带了绿头巾,还蒙在鼓里呢!

Arthur himself has been portrayed as a weak cuckold.亚瑟王本人被描绘成一个被人戴绿帽子的软弱之人。

