笑话大全网 - 经典笑话大全 - 为何有些男性喜欢偷窥/ *** 行为?

为何有些男性喜欢偷窥/ *** 行为?

1)自卑,不敢真正面对女人或男人。 2) *** ,偷窥带来一定的 *** ,因对方完全不知情,而自己却有为所欲为     的感觉。 3)变态,心理上的缺陷,偷窥成为癖好。 *** 基本上也是如此。


*** 感

要有计划进行 呢D钱系买唔到. 只是人地系唔接受

法律唔容许. 所以要好小心


参考: 个人感觉

*** 有更多 *** !可能现实中常被欺凌!

at all times there're always men doing such things. newspapers in the old days did not report such news as often as newspapers nowadays. nowadays as high tech hidden camera are easily available at very low price

young people can afford. besides

as lots of people are doing such things in japan

HK teenager may think peeking using hidden camera is "in" and funny.

no money call chicken no gf