take
it
easy
不要紧张
不要着急
don't
worry
不要担心
don't
mention
it
别提了
没事
that
is
ok/all
right
没问题
没事
don't
be
nervous
不要紧张
我们都同情你,不过你也不要过于悲伤,因为那于事无补。
we
all
sympathize
with
you,
but
don't
take
on
so;that
won't
help
matters.
不要被悲痛情绪压倒。
don't
give
way
to
grief
.
不要过度悲伤。
don't
carry
your
grief
to
excess.
听到这事我很难过。
(i'm)
sorry
to
hear
that.
你今天看上去很悲伤。
you
look
sad
today.
我真的很难过。
i
feel
so
sad.
那你肯定很难受吧。
it
must
be
tough
for
you.
我理解你的心情。
i
know
how
you
feel.
这种事谁都会遇到。
it
happens
to
everyone.
别哭了。
don't
cry.
擦擦眼泪。
wipe
your
tears.
振作起来!
cheer
up!