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1,院系 系肯定用Department,院(学院)有几种翻法,School,College,Institute,这要根据每个大学习惯的译法决定。

2,准考证号 Number of Examination Certificate

3,考试时间 Examination Time

4,总分 Total Score

5,425为通过 Score 425 is regarded as passed

6,奖学金证书,Scholarship Certificate


7.It is to certify that Student ×××is awarded Third Class Scholarship of the University in the second semester of 2005/2006 school year as a form of encouragement


The National CAD Application Training Network


Vocational Skills Training Certificate

10,证书编号 Number of Certificate

11,XX同志于2006年四月十日至2006年6月26日在全国CAD应用培训网络-- 南京中心 AUTOCAD 2004 (中级)培训班学习,经考试成绩合格

Comrade××studied in AUTOCAD 2004(Medium Grade)Training Class in Nanjing Center of the National CAD Application Training Network from April 10, 2006 to June 26, 2006,and the test result was qualified.


1.Result Report of National College English Test Grade 4

也可简写成 “CET 4 Result Report”,假使怕老外不知道CET什么意思就不要简写。

2.Higher educatinal department of the Ministry of Education

3.Number of Result Report

4.Entrusted Published Commission:National College English Test Committee