笑话大全网 - 笑话段子 - 我喜欢我的英语老师授课一篇英语作文


我喜欢我的英语老师,更喜欢他的授课。I like my English teacher, prefer his lecture. 他上课很风趣,经常用英语与我们交流沟通,在他的45分钟课堂时间永远是那么短暂,那么津津有味。His class is very funny, often use English to communicate with us communicate in his 45 minutes class time is always so short, so with relish. 在课余时间,我们经常邀请他参加我们各种各样的活动。In spare time, we often invited him to join us for a variety of activities. 时而为我们出谋划策,解决问题,Sometimes for our noble-minded, problem solving, 时而又成为我们的开心果,一个又一个幽默风趣的笑话常常逗得我们哈哈大笑。Sometimes they become our happy one after another, humorous and witty jokes often made us laugh. 他教育我们:“成功等于不懈的努力加正确的方法加少谈空话。”He education we: "success is equal to unremitting efforts add correct methods add a little talk bosh." 我们一直铭记在心。We always keep in mind. 老师,你如汩汩的泉水,清澈明亮;你如灿烂的焰火……Teacher, you like whisky, bright and clear spring, If you splendid fireworks... 剪下一片云采,也写不尽我对您的感激!Cut a cloud mining, also has written to your endless I obliged!