土狗的英语是mole cricket。
mole cricket还有一个意思是蝼蛄。
例句1:We're schmoozing at my boyfriend's graduation party when someone cracks a joke so that everyone laughs like a hyena。我们在我男朋友的毕业茶会上闲聊,这时有人讲了个笑话,大家笑得像个土狗一样。
例句2:Even the hyena, its life habit also have some rare dogs demeanor。即使是土狗,其生活习性也有一些名贵狗的风范。
例句3:A truly ugly soil dog, Embrace to here indeed is lost face。真丑的一只土狗,抱来这里简直是丢人现眼。
例句4:In this paper,the claw shapes of the typical soil animals such as pangolin, mole cricket,ant,dung beetle etc are observed and analysed by stereomicroscope and scanning electro-microscope。本文利用实体显微镜和扫描电镜对土壤动物穿山甲、蝼蛄、蚂蚁、蜣螂的爪子进行了观察分析。