本短剧根据PEP Book Seven Unit Five Part B Let’s Talk 的教学内容改编而成,主要操练句型:What does …do? Where does he work? How does he go to work?
角色:T----Tom? J----John M----Miss Yang (teacher)
道具:两个书包, 一副眼镜,讲义夹
(One morning, Tom and John 在上学路上.)
T: Hi,John,What does your father do?
J: My father is great. He is a boss. He has a big company.
T: (嘲笑) Your father ….great….hah …hah … My father is really great.
J: (不服气的样子) What does your father do?
T: He is a TV reporter . He works in …
J: My father goes to work by car. Does he go to work by car?
T: Of course .
J: My father has a lot of money, he is great.
T: My father has a lot of fans , he is great.
(They 在校门口吵架, Miss Yang comes .)
M: What’s the matter?
J: My father is a boss, he is great.
T: My father is a TV reporter , he is great.
M: Really? Tom and John ,I think they are both great. But who are your fathers ?
J&T:(吱吱唔唔)He is ….
M: Who are they?
J: I’m sorry. Miss Yang .
T: Me too. I’m sorry.
M: What does your father do?
T&J: He is a worker/driver.
M: Where does he works?
T&J: He works in a factory/FHTV.
M: How does he go to work?
T&J: He goes to work by bus/bike.
M: Ok, kids. All jobs are useful. And you must be honest.