笑话大全网 - 笑话段子大全 - 小狗叼肉照镜子英语作文


我家有只小狗叫“咪咪”,名字像猫。我喜欢和它玩,妈妈每天给它洗澡,爸爸下班回来它便总是跟着他。它会做很多游戏,像点头、抬爪、打球等。它给我们家带来了欢乐。 In my home there is a little dog called"Mimi" . The name is like a cat's. I like to play with it. My mother takes a bath for it every day. It always follows my father when he gets home after work. It can play many games,such as nodding its head, raising its paws, rolling on the ground and so on. It brings happiness to my family.