笑话大全网 - 笑话小品 - 动画专业作品集要如何准备




Character Animation Requirements


Character Animation Portfolio RequirementsBFA only


The character animation program supports animation focused on character development and narrative storytelling. The faculty admissions committee seeks portfolios that show evidence of strong, creative life drawing skills, artistic originality and the potential to tell stories and develop characters using sequential imagery. The committee values artwork that reveals a unique and imaginative voice, showcasing the applicant’s artistic interests and conceptual abilities. We welcome a range of creative work, including drawings and other traditional artwork, 2D digital art, and computer graphics (CG). Please carefully review the specific Portfolio Requirements listed below.

The Character Animation program is a four-year program. All Students begin at the BFA1 (first-year undergraduate) level because of the highly sequential nature of the curriculum. Transfer students please review our transfer credit policy . Transfer of courses may lighten a student's academic course load, however, they will not shorten the length of residency.





Portfolio and Application Requirements:All parts must be completed in order to be considered for admission

1. CalArts Application Materials

2. Artist Statement (uploaded to SlideRoom & CalArts Application)

3. Online Portfolio (Three part submission uploaded to SlideRoom)

Observational Artwork

Other Creative Work

Video Essay

4. Sketchbook (Mailed)



1. 加州艺术学院申请材料

2. 创作自述(上传到加州艺术学院的SlideRoom)

3. 在线作品集(提交包括三部分,上传到SlideRoom)




4. 速写本(邮寄)

Please view the portfolio details and submission format below.

Artist Statement:

· What inspires you to make your art?

· Why are you applying to the Character Animation program at CalArts?

· What are your artistic goals?



1) 什么激励你学习艺术?

2) 申请加州艺术学院角色动画专业的原因?

3) 你的艺术目标是什么?

Online Portfolio:

Part 1: Observational Artwork (minimum of 15 total)

A. Observational figure drawings of human models:

· These observational drawings should range from short pose lengths (gesture drawings) to longer pose lengths, and should indicate the models’ faces, hands and feet. Drawings of nude models are preferred, but costume drawings may also be included. Applicants in the Character Animation program must have demonstrated experience working with the live model and ideally have at least one year’s worth of experience studying figure/ life drawings.

B. Observational drawings from real life:

· Drawings and sketches of people and animals from real life

· Drawings of interior and exterior environments

· Urban sketching, location drawings, café drawings etc.

· Drawings should be from observing real life, exploring elements such as shape, form, contour, contrast, ambiance, and mood

· Do not erase your construction lines – they are especially helpful to the faculty in understanding your approach to observational drawings

· Do not submit traced pictures or copies of work by others



A. 人体模型图:这些观察绘画应该包括从短期姿态写生(动态素描)到长期姿态写生,应该表现出模特的脸部,手部和脚部。首选裸体模特绘图,但也要包括穿衣服模特绘图。角色动画专业申请者须展现如何与现场模特沟通工作,至少有一年学习人体/写生绘画经验最好。

B. 现实生活中的观察绘图:

l 现实生活中人和动物的绘画和素描

l 室内和室外环境绘图

l 城市素描,位置示意图,咖啡馆绘图等

l 绘画应从现实生活中取材,探索元素包括形状、形态、轮廓、对比、气氛、情绪

l 不要删除你的构造线—这对教师们理解你制作观察图的思路很有帮助

l 严禁递交跟踪图片及抄袭他人作品

Part 2: Other Creative Work

Include any combination of the following:

· Sequential image storytelling: Work that showcases your ability to tell a story and develop a character. For example: storyboards, graphic novels, flipbooks, short animations or short stories with thumbnails.

· Digital creative work (animated or still): Creative work that you produce, or manipulate, in one or more computer programs. This might take the form of 2D digital art, illustrations, concept art, character designs, prop designs, cartoons, photography, or computer graphics (CG).

· Other Work (non-digital): Paintings, drawings, illustrations, concept art, character designs, prop designs, cartoons

· Plastic Arts: Sculptures, ceramics, installations etc.

· Online presence: provide URL’s to your blog(s), Tumblr, Instagram, website etc. List the URL’s in the SlideRoom “links” section of the online portfolio.



l 序列图像讲述故事:作品呈现你讲述故事和发展角色的能力。例如:故事板,图像小说,手翻书,动画短片或缩略图的短篇故事。

l 数字创意作品(动画或静止):用一个或多个计算机程序创造或操纵作品。你可以采用2D数字艺术,插画,概念艺术,角色设计,道具设计,漫画,摄影,或计算机图形(CG)等形式

l 其他作品(非数字):漆画,素描,插画,概念艺术,角色设计,道具设计,漫画。

l 造型艺术:雕塑,陶艺,装置艺术作品等。

l 网络账户:在URL提供你的博客,Tumblr, Instagram, 网站等。在在线作品集中SlideRoom链接部分列出你的URL地址。

Part 3: Video Essay

Please record a short video of you, introducing yourself.

Tell us the five most important things about yourself.

· Duration: minimum of 60 seconds, maximum of 90


· Speak directly to the camera

· No edits

· No special effects or on-screen overlays

· File should be uploaded or linked directly to SlideRoom

· Does not require professional-level equipment; cell phone camera or consumer camera is okay.




l 长度:最短60秒最长90秒

l 面向镜头说话

l 无需剪辑

l 无需特效,不要覆盖屏幕

l 文件直接上传到SlideRoom

l 不需要专业级设备; 手机摄像头或消费型相机都可以


· A filled sketchbook with your drawings, observations, stories, ideas, thumbnails, character designs, studies of images from films or other sources that interest you, etc.

· Please draw directly in a bound sketchbook.

· Drawings in your sketchbooks should be different than the drawings submitted in your online portfolio.


l 速写本应该包括你的绘画,观察,故事,想法,缩略图,角色设计,对电影或其他你感兴趣的图像的研究学习。

l 请在装订速写本上直接作画

l 速写本上的内容应不同于你递交的在线作品集

Submission Format

Sketchbook Submission

Sketchbooks should be mailed to the following address:

CalArts Office of Admissions

24700 McBean Parkway

Valencia, CA, 91355

Mailed sketchbooks should include a completed Portfolio Information Form [1] and be mailed using the Portfolio Mailing Label [2].

The Office of Admissions will return your portfolio to you by mail only if you send a prepaid self-addressed package for return mailing. Be sure to complete and include any of the necessary forms required by your service provider. Prepaid mailing labels and packages from USPS, UPS, FedEx, FedEx Ground, and FedEx International are all acceptable. If necessary, your local post office will be able to provide you with an estimate for the return postage amount.

Please contact the Portfolio Room Coordinator, Jon Marshalik, if you have questions about sketchbook submission and shipping: Jmarshalik@calarts.edu; 661-255-1050 x 2187





24700 McBean Parkway

Valencia, CA, 91355


只有你付了回程邮件费用且标明地址,招生办公室才会把作品集给你邮寄回去。请务必填写快递公司所需的所有必要内容。USPS, UPS, FedEx, FedEx Ground, and FedEx国际的预付邮件都可以。如果有必要,你可以向当地邮局询问返回邮费的估计值。

如果有任何速写本递交及邮寄问题请联系作品集协调员Jon MarshalikJmarshalik@calarts.edu; 661-255-1050 x 2187

Online Portfolio Submission

The online portfolio (artist statement, observational drawings, personal work and the video essay) should be uploaded to SlideRoom.

SlideRoom accepts MP3's, documents, images and video. You may scan or photograph your drawings to submit them digitally.

Please submit one image per slide in SlideRoom. Do not combine multiple images into a PDF document. Do not include captions on images. If appropriate, captions should be added to the designated captions section on SlideRoom.

Once your portfolio is uploaded, it can be viewed and rearranged until the final submission is made. No changes can be made following the final submission of your portfolio. There is a fee for each portfolio submission you make through the online system. Be sure to submit your portfolio to the correct degree level and program.

If you experience technical difficulties while uploading your portfolio, you may send an e-mail to support@slideroom.com for technical assistance.




