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(eggplant, eggplant)

Tomato, usually refers to the tomato (eggplant)

(scientific name of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a genus in the Solanaceae tomato herb, 0.6-2 meters high body, all the viscid glandular hairs, strong smell, stem lodging susceptible, leaves pinnately compound leaf or pinnatipartite, inflorescence pedicel 2-5 cm long, often 3-7 flower, calyx rotate, corolla rotate, berry oblate globose or subglobose, fleshy and juicy liquid, yellow seed, flower and fruit period summer autumn.

Tomato is native to South America, is the most common fruit and vegetable cultivation in the world, China is widely planted around, the cultivated area continues to expand. Tomato fruit is rich in nutrition, with special flavor, for the summer of vegetables and fruits, you can eat, cook, processing tomato sauce, juice or whole fruit can hide.



同义词 西红柿一般指番茄(茄科茄属植物)

番茄(学名:Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)是茄科番茄属中的草本植物,体高0.6-2米,全体生粘质腺毛,有强烈气味,茎易倒伏,叶羽状复叶或羽状深裂,花序总梗长2-5厘米,常3-7朵花,花萼辐状,花冠辐状,浆果扁球状或近球状,肉质而多汁液,种子黄色,花果期夏秋季。
