笑话大全网 - 幽默笑话 - 翻译 空肥皂盒和电风扇的故事

翻译 空肥皂盒和电风扇的故事

The biggest domestic daily chemicals company introduced a foreign soap production line, which could automatically complete the production process from filling the raw materials to the final package and encasement.

Yet something unexpected happened. The sales deparment reported that some soapboxes were empty. So the company immediately shut down the production line and contacted the manufacturer, yet the answer was the situation was unavoidable.

The manager asked the engineers to solve the problem. So a team centered by several Doctors and more than a dozen of prograduates was organized. The knowledge structure of the team ranged from optics, image identification, automatic control to mechanical design, etc.

After spending more than a hundred thousand Yuan RMB, the engineers installed a set of X ray machine and HR monitor in the production line. After the machine identified the X ray image, a mechanical arm could automatically take the empity soapboxes away from the production line.

The same thing happened in a private company. The boss said to the worker responsible that the problem must be solved. So the worker found a fan and placed it beside the production line and a big basket on the opposite side. When the soapboxes passed the fan, the empty ones would be blowed away and fell to the basket. The problem was solved.