笑话大全网 - 幽默笑话 - 谁能给我10句英语定语从句的句子?


1.关系代词who的语句This is the teacher who often tell jokes.这就是那个常常讲笑话的老师.She is the girl who/whom I will go to shanghai with.她就是要和我一起去上海的女孩.2.关系代词whose的语句Which is the Asian country whose economy is growing the fastest?哪一个是亚洲发展最快的国家?3.关系代词that的语句This is the best that I know.这是我知道的最好的办法.4.关系代词which的语句This is the hotel in which you will stay.这就是你将要睡的旅馆.5.why的语句The reason why/that I'm calling you is I miss you.我给你打电话是因为我想你.6.such as ...This book is not such as mine.这本书和我的不一样 我就想起来这么多了 其他的可以自己仿造上面的看看 不好意思了