Being the naughtiest boy in the class, Little Ming likes to ruin any team work. The teacher arranges a relay painting game for the class and asks Little Ming to be the last one to draw for fear of his mischievous tricks.
Now the students begin drawing a picture in relay on the blackboard.
The first student draws the roof of a house
The second student draws the walls of the house
The third student draws the sun over the house
The fourth student draws the melted snow over the roof
The fifth student draws the door of the house
Quite satisfied to find that a normal picture is coming into shape, the teacher asks Little Ming to do the final touch, figuring that there is no way the little devil can ruin the picture.
It is now Little Ming's turn to draw; he just draws a big M around the house and explains that this picture shows his father is bending to pick up his soap while he is taking a shower.