尽管在全球揽得7亿美元的票房收入,《蝙蝠侠大战超人》还是饱受打击,最明显的莫过于指责导演Zack Snyder对两位标题人物无情的黯淡和迥然不同的拍摄。尽管华纳兄弟可以消化这部电影带来的零幽默感和无意义,但他们还是完全意识到下一部进军DC电影宇宙的电影《自杀小队》,在没有蝙蝠侠和超人的情况下,是很难取得如此骄傲的票房的。在《正义黎明》受到严重打击和在上映后票房历史性锐减的情况下,华纳决定投资数百万美元重新拍摄《自杀小队》,让这一群超级反派为 *** 进行黑色行动时更加的“有趣”。让我们下面来分析下为什么DC要重拍这一部电影。
不像在动漫展上给人看到的黑暗和严肃性,《自杀小队》的第二部预告片而是更加的吵闹,滑稽,还唱着波西米亚狂想曲。似乎每个人都买它的账。那问题何来?这第二部预告片其实没有展现给观众到底这是一部怎样的电影。据内线消息,“其实电影里每一个笑话或者搞笑场景基本都在那部预告片里了”。好莱坞技术咨询家Brett Schulte推特写到重拍会进行三周,只有两天是保留给外景拍摄。
在一段与Collider的采访中,Common确认了重拍并补充他并没有参与进去。Common在《自杀小队》中的角色“Monster T”,一个与小丑在同一个区队伍中的神秘角色。Common继续补充说电影很“坚忍不拔”,很有兴趣看电影会植入怎样类型的幽默。
在这里并不是进一步抨击《正义黎明》,但最近的调查显示它是不会取得全球10亿美金的票房。就华纳兄弟而言,这绝对是一个让人失望的结局,为此工作室也一直在认真思考改变他们的整个战略。《正义联盟》第一部分会在2016年4月开拍,你可以想象一些华纳制片人或许就会在这个非常时期内站在导演Zack Snyder的背后监督了。
Ben Affleck的蝙蝠侠在《自杀小队》里已经有一个确定的角色了,但至于这个披篷骑士会做什么就不得而知了。但基于他在《正义黎明》中如此爱打的个性,你或许也会奇怪小丑们如何让这部戏更加生动。一个残忍又无止境悲观的蝙蝠侠编排在一部希望更加幽默的电影里是不是会很尴尬?
Harley Quinn(小丑女)也许会包揽绝大数的笑点
基于第二个预告片的喜剧元素,Margot Robbie扮演的Harley Quinn小丑女估计是这部电影的明星了。因为重拍看起来是一个可以计算的风险,即使是一个仓促的举动,相对于硬塞一些对话给其他可能不会重拍的角色,Harley Quinn被给予更多的俏皮话是合情合理的。我想观众也不会抱怨,因为Harley Quinn戏份的加赠绝对是一件好事(我看到Harley就有股莫名的喜感从下自上的爆炸)
Despite crossing the $700 million milestone in worldwide grosses, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has taken an absolute beating from critics for, among other things, director Zack Snyder's relentlessly bleak and disparate take on the film's two titular heroes. While Warner Bros. could afford to take a chance with a humorless dud, they're fully aware that their next entry into the DC Extended Universe, Suicide Squad, won't have the box office draw of the two most iconic superheroes in existence—Batman and SupermanAfter Dawn of Justice's critical mauling and its historically steep decline in ticket sales since its debut, the decision was made to pour millions into reshoots in an effort to make a gang of supervillains forced to work black ops for the government more "fun." Let's break into Arkham to figure out why DC is pouring a lot of resources into Suicide Squad's reshoots."Every joke in the movie is in that trailer"Unlike the dark and serious trailer that first leaked at Comic-Con, Suicide Squad's second official trailer was a loud, fun, wisecracking ride set to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." And everybody loved it. The problem? This second trailer wasn't really showing us the movie audiences were going to see. According to an inside source who spoke with Birth. Movies. Death., "every joke in the movie is in that trailer." Hollywood tech consultant Brett Schulte tweeted that the reshoots are taking place over the course of three weeks, with only two days being reserved for filming on location. If you're in the area and can spot the green screen, brace yourself for some witty banter。We know one specific scene that won't be "funny"During an interview with Collider, Common confirmed the reshoots and added that he was not a part of them. Common's role in Suicide Squad? "Monster T, a mysterious character who's in league with The Joker." Common went on to say the movie was "gritty," so it'll be interesting to see what type of humor will be injected into the rest of the film.The reshoots could affect the Justice League movieNot to beat up Batman v Superman more than it already has, but recent estimates suggest Dawn of Justice likely won't hit $1B globally. As far as Warner Bros. is concerned, that's a letdown, so much that the studio has been seriously thinking about changing their entire strategy. With Justice League: Part One scheduled to begin shooting in April 2016, you can expect some Warner Bros. executives will be standing directly behind Zack Snyder for the duration.Batman's appearance will probably no longer make senseBen Affleck's Batman has a confirmed role in Suicide Squad, but what the Caped Crusader will be doing has remained top secret. But given his penchant for violence in BvS, you have to wonder how The Joker made it to Suicide Squad alive at all. A brutal and endlessly gloomy Batman will be strange mesh in a movie looking to add humor.Harley Quinn will probably have most of the jokeBased on the edy in the second trailer, Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn was the star of the show. Since the reshoots appear to be a calculated risk, albeit a rushed one, it stands to reason that Harley Quinn will be given more one-liners instead of shoehorning jokes into the dialogue of other characters that might not be present during this extra filming. We won't plain, because more Margot Robbie (or Harley Quinn for that matter) is never a bad thing.