only have 10 year-old child, mutually likes, one all that pure, thenlovable, what the phantom is deepest, they do together in the gravewhich a piece leaves uncultivated, looks a pair successively died theold husbands' and wives' tombstone, the above is writing: "Happy 50years". The girl asks the boy: "50 years, then is long, you can love my thatlong time?" Boy reply that, "Graciousness... ... " The girl said that, "I guess you not to be able." The boy looks the girl said: "My meeting, I already loved your entireweek not right?" The boy asked the girl they can marry? The girl said perhaps has theday meeting... ... Gets the home, the girl and her parents said he wants to marry withhim, must forever that and he in the same place. The parents told herthem too to be also small, at least had again to wait for 10 years,the girl to cry, said: "I only want happiness, why isn't allowed...... " Yes, only wants happily, that is why difficult? Afterwards, the matter had been known by the school, the boy veryserious said they must marry, teacher thought very laughably, simply放在心上, but they really in schoolmate's blessing, secretly inwaste gas warehouses have married nearby the railroad, when teacherand the family member pursue time, they already swung on that kind ofold style railway rail that kind of elephant pressure well that kind小车子 to elope... ... The flat and thin piece had finished... ... Has naively, perhaps, that screenwriter is saw this world had thereality which too is unable to evade and to resist, therefore haswritten this script, lets us see, that kind of pure love has, much iswith ease happy... ... Perhaps hasn't this also is written why thetrue result the reason, we all may guess correctly, afterwards theyinevitably or had to return to in this realistic world, that wasunhappy. . . In the world is purest, most is far away the reality the love, onlyhad early loves loves with the dusk... ... Ha-ha... ... We all want to be happy oh! ! !
Melody: [reading from a tombstone] "Fifty years' happiness." How long's fifty years?
Daniel: A hundred and fifty school terms, not including holidays.
Melody: Will you love me that long?
Daniel: [nods affirmative] Mmm-hmmm.
Melody: I don't think you will.
Daniel: Of course. I've loved you a whole week already, haven't I?