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If he cannot perceive her regard, he is a fool.

perceive可以理解为「感知到」,regard这里是指concern,注视,关注;perceive her regard就是「感知到她的关注」

snap sb up

She should move fast, snap him up.

snap有非常迅速的意思,snap sb up,是指「先下手为强」

Oh, Jane, do you never think ill of anybody ?

speak ill of sb/speak highly of sb/think highly of sb 这里的意思是把人往好或不好的方面想

twice the...

On the contrary,Wickham is twice the man Darcy is.

这里twice the man想要表达A比B要强得多。


I was just admiring the general splendour.



Apparently he's been detained.


do me the honour

Perhaps you will do me the honour,Miss Elizabeth?

do me the honour可以理解为「给我赏光,给我这份荣耀」

Incompatible with

I do not think it incompatible with the office of a clergyman to indulge in such an innocent diversion.

incompatible with指与...不相容,反过来compatible with,就是和...很相称;indulge in沉浸在...的意思;innocent这里可以理解为无害的,diversion娱乐活动。

compliment sb on sth

In fact, several people, well, Her Ladyship included,have complimented me on my lightness of foot.

compliment sb on sth称赞某人的……方面

be of consequence

To be sure, dancing is of little consequence to me,but it does...

be of little consequence to.…对某人来说无足轻重,consequence后果

be of little consequence= be of next to no importance 没有存在感的,无足轻重的

harbour the opportunity

It does harbour the opportunity to lavish...to lavish upon one's partner...

harbour本身有港口的意思,这里harbour作为动词,harbour the opportunity表示「蕴藏着机会」;lavish,挥霍,慷慨地给予


I daresay you will find him very amiable, Lizzie.


for all eternity

It would be most inconvenient,since I have sworn to loathe him for all eternity.

swear to do,发誓做...;for all eternity=for good,相当于永远

I love this dance.Indeed. Most invigorating.



I talked about the dance, now you ought to remark on the size of the room or the number of couples.

remark on sth=comment sth=give comments on sth评价某事


I am perfectly happy to oblige .

oblige=provide a service or favor for someone,整句话是指非常愿意帮忙


No, I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn.



If it is not true, let Mr Darcy contradict it himself.


be blessed with=be endowed with

Mr Wickham is blessed with such happy manners he is sure of making friends.

bless是指祝福,be blessed with表示被赋予了某些恩赐


And I daresay that is an irreversible event?


make out

To make out your character , Mr Darcy

make out在这个语境中是指辨认清楚,看清晰;女主说想要了解达西的真正品格。


I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly.


afford sb sth

I hope to afford you more clarity in the future.

语境中afford sb sth是指给对方提供...,给予...


Mr Collins, he will consider it an impertinence.


have a turn

Let the other young ladies have a turn.

have a turn,语境中是指「参与一下,有个机会」


Oh, yes, we fully expect a most advantageous marriage.



Clearly my family are having a competition to see who can expose themselves to the most ridicule.

expose sb to指把...呈现出来,展示出来;ridicule,可笑,笑话


find me in every respect ill qualified for the situation.

be averse to

Lady Catherine's never been averse to the truly humble.

averse,反对,厌烦,never be averse to是指从不介意,从不厌恶...


Mrs Bennet,I was hoping, if it would not trouble you, that I might solicit a private audience with Miss Elizabeth in the course of the morning.

solicit就相当于ask for,请求;a private audience表示私下单独见面,这里audience并不是观众的意思了,而是会面;in the course of=during,course在这个搭配中可以理解为「过程」

run away with

But before I am run away with my feelings,perhaps I may state my reasons for marrying.

run away with my feelings=be carried away,被情绪带走,跟着感觉走;

single sb out

Almost as soon as I entered the house, I singled you out as the companion of my future life.

single sb out as,这里的single做动词,把某人单独挑出来

at the urging of

And thirdly, that it is at the urging of my esteemed patroness,Lady Catherine, that I select a wife.

at the urging of sb,在...的催促之下,pressed by sb

the last woman/man/person

You could not make me happy and I'm convinced I'm the last woman in the world who could make you happy.

convinced被说服,这里表示确信...;这里the last woman in the world字面上是世界上最后一个女人,其实是一种强调的语气,表示自己「绝不会,最不可能...」


I flatter myself, cousin, that your refusal is merely a natural delicacy.

refusal是refuse的名词形式,表示「拒绝」;delicacy是「精妙」的意思,这个语境中a natural delicacy可以理解为一种委婉的方式,微妙的天性使然。


You are too hasty, sir.



And that no reproach on the subject of fortune will cross my lips once we're married.

reproach是指责备,cross my lips表示提及


Headstrong, foolish child.



But I know her to be incapable of wilfully deceiving anyone.



We'll have this little hiccup dealt with immediately.


be in an uproar

We're all in an uproar.

uproar是指喧嚣,骚乱;be in an uproar表示一切乱套了,炸锅了

be crossed in love

Still, a girl likes to be crossed in love now and then.

"To be crossed in love"is to be rejected by your beloved, or by the one whom you had in mind for that position.在爱情中失意,被对方拒绝,是一种习语表达


It gives her something to think of, and a sort of distinction

amongst her companions.


make the most of it

And you have an affectionate mother,who would make the most of it.

make the most of sth,尽可能地利用好,把价值最大化

afford to

Not all of us can afford to be romantic.

afford to表示承担得起,通常和否定搭配在一起,表示无法承受


And save your sisters from destitution.



I've no money and no prospects.


to your taste

I am so glad the house, furniture,and roads are all to your taste and that Lady Catherine's behaviour is friendly and obliging.

to your taste,和你的口味,品味; obliging=helpful,乐于帮助的

have pleasure in doing sth

People who suffer as I do from nervous complaints can have no pleasure in talking to anybody.

nervous complaints在这里不是指紧张的抱怨,而是神经上的病痛,可以和前面的suffer联系在一起理解;have pleasure in doing sth,在某事中得到乐趣


Welcome to our humble abode.

humble abode连在一起就是指寒舍,一种谦虚的说法

at one's earliest convenience

I would be happy to visit you at your earliest convenience.

at one's earliest convenience就是对方时间上空的时候,方便的时候。

be a stranger to

Well, Lizzie, from this day onward,you must be a stranger

to one of your parents.

be a stranger字面上并不难理解,表示「不熟悉,陌生」,这个语境中是指和父母形同陌路,不相认了。


You're free to go off and be jilted yourself.

jilt抛弃,be jilted就是被甩掉了,被抛弃了,通常指情侣之间

take into account

Besides, you should take into account that despite the manifold attractions, it is by no means certain that another offer of marriage may ever be made to you.

take into account,把...考虑在内;manifold相当于many;by no means有强调的意味,「绝对不」


a such an alliance will surely suit everyone.

Those who survived were left destitute.



be a slave to

Your mother must have been quite a slave to your education.

be a slave to这里是指耗费大量时间和精力做...,spend too much time or energy on...;受制于...

have their share of

But I think it would be very hard on younger sisters not to have their share of amusement.

have their share of表示获得他们/她们的那一份...


Upon my word, you give your opinion very decidedly for so young a person.


be afflicted with

Lady Catherine, I'm not afflicted with false modesty.

be afflicted with,受...的困扰,be plagued by...

in one's way

You'll be in nobody's way in that part of the house.

in one's way是指干扰到...阻碍到某人,这里in nobody's way反过来就是「不会打搅到别人」


I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people

I have never met before.

at one's disposal

As long as Darcy chooses. I'm at his disposal.

at one's disposal指听任某人差遣;disposal本身有「处理,处置」的意思


She could not have bestowed her kindness on a more grateful subject.


come to one's rescue

He recently came to the rescue of one of his friends just in time.


He saved the man from an imprudent marriage.



There were apparently strong objections to the lady.

in vain

I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer.

in vain,徒劳,白忙一场

put aside

I have fought against my better judgement, my family's expectation,the inferiority of your birth, my rank and circumstance,all these things, and I'm willing to put them aside and ask you to end my agony.



I'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me, have hindered your regard will help you in overcoming it.



That you separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to the centre of the world for caprice and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes.


have some bearing

I suppose you suspect that his fortune had some bearing...No! I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour!

have some bearing关系到…,影响到…; 有关;do sb the dishonour就是让人感到不光彩

on occasion

It was the lack of propriety shown by your mother,your three younger sisters,even, on occasion, your father.

propriety是proper的名词形式,lack of propriety就是不得体;on occasion=sometimes,偶尔

take an interest in

You take an eager interest in that gentleman's concerns


Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?

rejoice in sth,对...感到非常开心

take up

Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time.

take up这里相当于occupy,占据...take up your time,浪费了你的很多时间


But upon my father's death, Mr Wickham announced he had no intention of taking orders.

have no intention of doing sth,没有意愿做...;have every intention of doing sth,强调一心想做,非常想做...

be over sb

I'm quite over him, Lizzie.

be over sb是一个比较口语化的表达,表示已经不再记挂某人了,已经忘记ta了,

in the service of

Though the motives which governed me may to you appear insufficient,they were in the service of a friend.

in the service of,为...尽义务,这里是指出于对朋友的考虑


I will not attempt to convey the depth of Georgiana's despair.

depth,深度,the depth of Geogiana's despair表示Geogiana非常痛苦


He then wrote demanding more money,which I refused,after which he severed all acquaintance.

sever这个词长得和severe很像,意思为cut切段,sever ties/relations,这里是与家里断绝一切联系


I shall not renew the sentiments which were so disgusting to you,but if I may, I will address the two offences you have laid against me.



From the first moment I met you,your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realise that you were the last man in the world could ever be prevailed upon to marry.

conceit通常指妄自尊大;disdain,厌恶;be prevailed upon,prevail means to successfully persuade someone of something,说服




He was very civil, was he not?




If you, dear father, do not take the trouble to check her she will be fixed forever as the silliest and most determined flirt who ever made her family ridiculous.

check这里不是指检查,而是「阻止」的意思,check her=keep her from doing;而例句拓展中是检查的意思

be prey to

And she is far too poor to be an object of prey to anyone.

be an object of prey to,这里object是目标,prey是猎物,连在一起直译就是指「成为...的猎物」,也可以理解为「受到...的伤害」


Let us hope, in fact,that her stay in Brighton will teach her her own insignificance.

insignificance是不重要,这里her own insignificance就是指「微不足道」

be obliged to

If she does, we'd be obliged to lock her up for the rest of her life.

be obliged to是指有义务做...,不得不做...

thin on the ground

The Peak District is not Brighton and officers are very thin on the ground,which may influence your decision.

be thin on the ground=rare,相当于「稀缺,很少」


Very well stocked lake.I've a hankering to see it.

have a hankering to do=have an appetite for sth,渴望做某事,比较口语话的表达;This is a folksy, informal word that means about the same thing as yearning. When you have a hankering, you want something.

put up with

Your unfortunate brother once had to put up with my playing for a whole evening.

put up with sth/sb=stand sth/sb,忍受...


Splendid fishing, good company.What a capital fellow.



This is grave indeed.



Then he has perjured himself most profoundly.

perjure oneself是一个法律用词,作伪证

Not at all how you had painted him.


be fond of

I'm very fond of walking.

be fond of sth/sb,非常喜欢某人或者某物

Objecting to poor Mr Darcy because of his wealth.



I'm so sorry to intrude.


see more of

If he should marry, you might see more of him.

see more of sb就是能多一些机会见到某人