Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II. He was a fat and short man. Gee Bernard Shaw was a famous writer. He was
tall and lean(瘦的) . Both of them were they met at a reception
Churchill said to Shaw with a *** ile
Mr. Shaw
when people see you
they must think there is a famine(饥荒) in our country. Yes
said Bernard Shaw
but they must think you are responsible for it.丘吉尔是二战期间英国的首相,他是个又矮又胖的男人。肖伯纳是著名作家,又高又瘦。他们俩都是幽默诙谐的人。一次,他们在一个招待会上碰面了。丘吉尔微笑着对肖伯纳说:肖伯纳先生,人们看到您,一定以为我们国家正在闹饥荒。对,肖伯纳回答:但他们一定认为这是您造成的。