'What room is this? Where am I?' he said. 'This is not the place i fell asleep in.'
Mrs Bedwin, the motherly old housekeeper, heard his words, and instantly came to him. 'Hush - be quiet, my dear, or you'll be ill again. Lie down.'
He lay down, and woke up again much later. After a while, he was able to sit? up in a chair, although he was still too weak to walk. In this new position he could see a picture of a woman hanging on the wall opposite. 'Who is that, madam?' he asked the old housekeeper.
'I don't know, my dear. Do you like it?'
'The eyes look so sad, and they seem to be staring at me. As if the person was alive, and wanted to speak to me but couldn't.'
'You're weak and nervous after your illness.' Mrs Bedwin said kindly. 'Don't worry about things like that.'
Later that day Mr Brownlow came in, having heard that the boy was a little better at last. He was delighted to see that Oliver could sit up. But when he saw Oliver's face clearly, Mr Brownlow stared hard at him.
'I hope you're not angry with me, sir,' said Oliver anxiously.
'No, no. not in the least,' he replied. Then he turned to the housekeeper. 'But look, Mrs Bedwin, look there!' He pointed to the picture of the woman above Oliver's head and then to the boy's face. It was a living copy of the picture, even the expression was the same. Oliver didn't understand what was happening. He was so alarmed by Mrs Bedwin's excitement that he fainted once more.
The Dodger and Charley Bates had left the crowd which as chasing Oliver as soon as they could. They went back to their house through the narrow streets, using a complicated route in case anyone was following them. Once they were safely away from other people, Charley Bates rolled on the ground and laughed and laughed.
'Ha! Ha! Ha! When i saw Oliver running away so fast,? round all the corners, bumping into walls...and all the time i had the handkerchief in my pocket...Ha! Ha! Ha!'
'But what'll Fagin say?' asked the Dodger.
'What do you mean?'
The Dodger said nothing more but led Charley Bates into the house and up the stairs. When Fagin saw them enter, he rose to his feet.
'Where's Oliver?' he asked them furiously.
The two boys looked uneasily at each other, but said nothing. Fagin took hold of the Dodger's collar and shook him violetly. 'Tell me or i'll kill you!'
The Dodger slid out of his coat in one smooth movement, leaving Fagin holding only the empty coat. 'The police have got him.' he said reluctantly. He looked round for a weapon to fight with, but Fagin already had a heavy metal pot in his hand. He threw it hard at the Dodger, but missed? and hit Charley Bates, who started to shout with fear.
Suddently, all this noise and confusion was silenced by a deep voice at the door.
'What the devil's going on here?' the voice demanded.
The owner of the voice was a big man of about thirty-five in a black coat and very dirty trousers, with a brown hat on his head and a dirty handkerchief around his neck. He also had a three-day-old beard. A white dog with torn ears followed him into the room. The man kicked the dog into a corner, and looked round at the signs a battle.
'Are they trying to murder you, Fagin? i would if i was them. I'd have done it long ago. Now, give me some beer and don't poison it.'
It was said as a joke, but if the man had seen the evil look on Fagin's face, he might have thought the warning was a necessary one.
Fagin produced some beer, and as the fight appeared to be over, everybody sat down. In the conversation that followed, Fagin told the newcomer that Oliver had been caught by the police. 'I'm afraid, Mr Sikes,' he said, 'the boy may say something which will get us into trouble.'
'Very likely, ' said Bill Sikes, smiling unkindly. 'You've got problems, Fagin.'