笑话大全网 - 幽默笑话 - 英语作文:“车祸”,50字


Traffic accident


Long time ago,my mother got a traffic accident.She stayed at home over one year.My father and me stayed at home doing some housework and cooking some meal.I just know about some simple meal.My father's cooking was not very good,my mother can't move it.So she just can accept it.So I mastered of all the eggs cooking,hahaha,so I always have a joke,I need a master of cooking's husband.I think that it was all the professional women's wish.But you know this is just a wish,a wish,not a hope.It is impossible.The website always have a joke,the three obediences and the four virtues is a husbands responsibility.Ha ha.So my mother to be fine at the finally.Thanks god.This traffic accident don't change our life,we love each other.
