If i have only one day left
most of us live through life knowing that we have plenty of time a head of us, so we usually cruise along, knowing there are more time. but if the time we have left is shortened to one day, i would try to do as much things as possible.
And these things are to accomplish what I've always dreamed of, but never dared to do. Of course, as my moral conscious forbids me to do anything that may likely to cause sever damage to others. things like killing my enemy is out of the question. Maybe a confession of some sort, one that I've always been too chicken to do (口语化). because for the first time, i am not bounded by rules and peer pressure. for the first time, i am completely and utterly free.
most people have a bucket list, a list of things they must do before they die, in this one day i would try to full fill as much of this bucket list item as possible.
i would go see the person I've always wanted to see, and eat what I've always wanted to eat.
of course i would try to comfort those who are close to me, those who will be no doubt be in sadness when i am gone.
there is only one certainty in life, and that is death, even when we know this fact, we still keep planning for the future, we do this because we know we have plenty of time.
but when we knows that our plenty of time is shortened till one day, i would stop planning for the future and start living for right now.
i mean, sometimes, it's not the destination that matters, but the journey right?
其中加了一句比较口语化的句子,因为你是free talk :)