ROSS: Look, would you guys grow up? That is the
most natural beautiful thing in the world.
JOEY: Yeah, we know, but there's a baby suckin'
on it.
ROSS: This is my son having lunch, ok? It's gonna
happen a lot, so you'd better get used to it. Now if
you have any problem with it, if you're
uncomfortable, just ask questions. Carol's fine with
it, now come on.
(They go back into the living room)
CHANDLER: Carol, Carol? I was just wondering if Joey
could ask you a question about breast-feeding?
CAROL: Sure.
JOEY: Uh, does it hurt?
CAROL: It did at first, but not anymore.
JOEY: Chandler?
CHANDLER: So, uh, how often can you do it?
CAROL: As much as he needs.
JOEY: Ok, I got one, I got one. If he blows into one, does
the other one get bigger?