笑话大全网 - 幽默笑话 - 给我一点笑话英语


A NEW EMPLOYEE 一位新雇员Several weeks after a young woman had been 一位刚被雇佣了几个星期的雇员被叫到人事处Hird,she was called into the personnal director’s 处长的办公室。处长拿着一份表格问:“你这是什么office.”What is the meaning of this?”the 意思?你申请工作时对我们说你已经有五年的工作director asked.”When you applied for the 经验,现在我们发现这是你的头一份工作。”job,you told us you had five years experience.Now we discover this is the first job you ever held.” “Well,”the young woman said,”in your “噢,”那位雇员答道,“你们的招牌广告上说你 advertisement you said you wanted somebody 们需要有想象力的人才呀。”with imagination.”