英语笑话带翻译: An amusing assumption 有趣的假设,含有中英双语对照阅读。更多英语笑话尽在应届毕业生笑话网。
An amusing assumption
Not long after my sister's wedding,one of my father's colleagues and his wife dropped in to see Mom and Dad.The guests had not been invited to the wedding, so when
the woman said,?I'm sorry I didn't get over to the church the other day,?Mom assumed she meant the church's Good Cheer Club Tea and Bazaar.
"I'rn glad you didn't.?Mom replied.?You never saw such a mob scene!"
"I thought I'd like to see how everyone was dressed,"the guest said."What did you wear?"
"Just my old navy print and my oxfords,?said Mom,"and a good thing,too,as we cleared almost a thousand dollars. "
"Did you take a collection?"the woman gasped.
"Oh, no,?said Mom,"you know how it is,a lot of people come just to look and you don't make a thing out of them,so we decided to charge admission at the door.?
At this point Dad realized signals were crossed,and he suggested to Mom that she explain that my sister's wedding had been neither a mob scene nor a profit-making venture.