翻译:A philosopher on the platform look pleased with oneself to say: "happy is the pursuit of something, not to put it after it."
An audience when issued to ask a way: "that you tried in the rainy night after the last bus and didn't catch up with the sort of happy?"
/? fi?l?s?f? ?n ? ?pl?tf?:m luk pli:zd wi? w?n?self tu: sei :" ?h?pi iz ? p?sju:t ?v ?s?mθi? , n?t tu: put it ."/
/?n ?:dj?ns hwen i?u?d tu: ɑ:sk ? wei :"?t ju: tra?d in ? ?reini nait ?ɑ:ft? ? lɑ:st b?s ?nd did?n't k?t? ?p wi? ? s?:t ?v ?h?pi ?"