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经济发展的步伐快了,人们的工作压力也就变得大了,每日的八小时工作已经变成了沉重的负担,甚至有人的工作时间已经远远超过了每日八小时。快节奏的工作频率,沉重的工作压力,使人们严重的损耗着自身的健康和快乐。全球经济的不规律膨胀和紧缩,将这些套在工作枷锁上的人们变得脆弱不堪,大量的精神和身体疾病,开始入侵着这些正值青壮年的工作者们,抑郁、失眠、焦虑…… 这些看似无关紧要的疾病,正在以快速并且迅猛的势头,大量的损害着工作中的每个人。如果说将人的精神比喻成一根弦,而工作的压力便是一把拉紧弦的大手, 当每个人心头的这跟弦绷紧到极限的时候,不要说工作了,连生活下去都将是一个非常艰难的事情。







Work and Pleasure

Is pleasure the constitutional enemy of work? If you ask Europeans or Americans, they will say no surely. But the answer in China may go to the opposition. To old Chinese people, industrious work is the way to heighten the life standard and to build new China. To most bosses in China, industriousness or not is the only mode to estimate their employees, and pleasure is the symbolization of idleness. So that, many foreigners believe that Chinese people are “workaholics”, and Chinese people have no pleasure.

It is true that pleasure are diversiform in Europe and America, and are bald and simple in China, such as, to have a little party with some good friends in non-work time, to have an annual journey, to go shopping. It is amazed that the most popular amusement is mah-jongg there!

Why pleasure is so different between occidentals and old Chinese people? The situation of a country and economy level could be the essential reasons. In the movement of reformation opening, China become more and more rich .And then, some Chinese people have more and more new ideas about pleasure, especially born after 1980 (80s). The few-pleasure situation is changing gradually. The 80s’s viewpoints about relation between work and pleasure are uncommon and unorthodox. It may be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one. The 80s belong to the second ones indubitably. For example, in the famous Chinese company-Haier, workers use “smile” cards to instead of old poor work report cards. The new “smile” cards have various colors and vivid expressions which from laugh to cry, and make work like a new kind of pleasure.

Nowadays, the government of China is paying more attention to the pleasure about the public. Since this year, more short bank holidays replace a long one. And in bank holidays some people also have salary. Consequently, the public have more choices and times in pleasure.

Generally speaking, like occidentals, Chinese people also know what they need and could integrate work with pleasure harmoniously in the high-speed developmental powerful China.