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1. 你是否记得和我们一起在东方绿舟度过的那些日子?(定语从句)

Do you still remember the days we've spent in dongfang lvzhou?

2. 我没有拿走那只手表,因为它只是和我前天弄丢的一样罢了。(same)

I didn't take that watch, because it is just the same as the watch I've lost two days ago.

3. 正在扫地的那个女人是谁?(定语从句)

Who is that woman cleaning the floor?

4. 他在谈论一位教授,我们从来都没听说过这位教授。(非限制性定语从句)

He is talking about a professor whom we have never heard of before

5. 这些外国客人,其中大部分是政府官员,在机场受到了热烈的欢迎。(非限制性定语从句,most of whom)

These foreign guests, most of whom are governors, are welcomed sincerely in the airport.

6. 你在那座大门是红色的大楼里上班吗?(定语从句)

Do work in that building with a red door?

7. 你们班有多少同学家住在闵行区?(定语从句)

How many students in your class live in Minxing district?

8. 爱丽丝收到了老板的请帖,这让她感到意外。(非限制性定语从句)

Alice has received the boss's invitation, which makes her surprised.

9. 我们住在那所窗户朝南的房子里。(定语从句; face)

We live in the house facing south.

10. 他们和我一起待了三个星期,期间他们吃完了我冰箱里所有食物。(非限制性定语从句, during…)

During the three weeks they've been staying us, they ate all of our foods in the refrigerator.

11. 我已经写完了这部小说,下个月就能出版。(非限制性定语从句)

I've already finished the novel, so it will be published next month.

12. 众所周知,只要我们努力英语一点也不难学。(as; as long as)

As we all know, English is not hard as long as we put effort in it.

13. 老人有三个女儿,其中两个是医生。(非限制性定语从句)

The old man has three daughters, two of whom are doctors.

14. 我买了两只圆珠笔,两只都不好用。(非限制性定语从句; neither)

I bought two pens, but neither of them are good to use.

15. 尽管此次考试不难,他却又一次不及格,这说明他不够用功。(非限制性定语从句; which; prove)

Although the test was not hard, he still failed, which proved that he was not working hard enough.

16. 不出所料,他又一次获得了冠军。(非限制性定语从句)

With no surprise, he becomes the champion again.

17. 我们应该去读这样一些书,它们能让我们更聪明。(such; 定语从句)

We should such books to make us smarter.

18. 拯救大熊猫的方法之一就是保护环境,多种竹子。(One way of…)

One way of saving pandas is the preserve the environment, to plant more bamboo.

19. 他们的农场位于水库里的一个岛上。(be located)

Their farm is located an island in a reservoir.

20. 饮用水源地应该受到保护免受污染。(keep…from)

Drinking water sources should be kept from pollution.

21. 美国人的演讲常常以一个笑话开场,而日本人的演讲却可能以一声道歉开始。(open with; while)

Americans' speeches often open with a joke, while Japanese's speeches can start with a apology.

22. 英国皇家爱乐乐团两周后将在上海音乐厅演出。

England royal orchestra will be performing in the Shanghai music hall two weeks later.

23. 这些精美的瓷器都是手工制作而非机器制造的。(machinery; rather than)

These beautiful china are hand-made rather than machinery.