1、Staying in bed with a gallon of water and a couple bottles of Advil.呆在床上,旁边有一加伦水和几瓶止痛药。
2、This required three full days and one bottle of Advil.这需要三个整天和一瓶雅维布洛芬。
3、And then I’d like for you to check thesupply closet for any extra samples of Advil.然后我想让你看看储物柜里有没有多余的雅维止痛药。
4、I did finally finish Infinite Jest! And the whole thing required only three bottles of Advil.我读完了《无穷尽的笑话》,只需要三瓶雅维布洛芬。
5、Nothing works faster, stronger or longer than Advil.没有什么比Advil止痛药更快速、更有效、更持久了。