笑话大全网 - 爆笑笑话 - 一篇关于中国健康问题的英语短文


Chinese:---每个人都想保持身体健康,如果你健康的话,那么你能做你想做的任何事情,你的家庭会充满欢笑,你的工作也会变得简单轻松。 你想有个健康的身体吗?那么试着做以下事情吧!首先,每天保持你脸上的笑容,保持良好的心情。多参加一些运动,比如跑跑步,打打球。那样才会有一个强健的身体。其次,要注意自己的饮食,不要喝太多的酒,多饮水,每天至少八杯水;不要刻意的去减肥,那样对你的健康没有任何好处。再次,造成不要吸烟,对你自己和其它人都没有好处! 为了保持身体健康让我们行动起来吧,这样,这个世界才充满了欢笑!

English:---Everyone wants to maintain good health, if you are healthy, then you can do you want to do anything, your family will be full of laughter, your work will be much more simple. You want to have a healthy body? Then try to do the following thing! First, you face daily smile, maintain a good mood. Take part in some sports, such as running and running, playing baseball. It is in a strong body. Secondly, we must pay attention to their diet, not to drink too much wine, water, every day at least eight cups of water; Deliberately not to lose weight, did you have no health benefits. Again, resulting from smoking on your own and other people is not good! To maintain good health let us do it. Thus, the world's only full of laughter!