笑话大全网 - 经典笑话大全 - spinach 中文意思是菠菜,还有一个意思是“胡说八道”,这两者有联系吗?有谁知道?

spinach 中文意思是菠菜,还有一个意思是“胡说八道”,这两者有联系吗?有谁知道?


(1)I say it's spinach, but I don't care about it. 我说这是一派胡言,但我根本不在乎。

(2)I couldn't endure his spinach and showed him the gate. 我不能忍受他的这种胡说八道,于是我把他给赶走了。

具体联系 不知道


spinach cinema 菠菜电影

这一表达法特指某种电影,即: Movies that are not very exciting or interesting, but that one feels one must see because they are educational or otherwise uplifting.原来,spinach cinema 是那种有教育意义、令人深思的电影。这类电影可能没有好莱坞商业大片中常见的特技效果,不过观众看过以后,通常会感到自己的心灵多少受到一些触动或感动,会联想并深思一些有关社会、人生、信仰、感情、家庭等方面的问题。下面的这两段影评都提到了spinach cinema:

The sad fact is, adventure will always be more fun than contemplation. Eating a candy bar will always be more fun than eating broccoli. Not that the French release "Place Vendome" is spinach cinema, but watching this thoughtful film starring Catherine Deneuve does require a contemplative turn of mind.

Barmak\'s film "Osama" got a kind of affirmative-action boost from being the only movie from Afghanistan anybody in the West has ever seen (it\'s just the 43rd Afghan feature ever), but it\'s been playing in the United States for six weeks and keeps spreading to more cities. It\'s now apparent this is one of those little foreign films that won\'t quit, and if you\'ve seen it you understand why. If you haven\'t seen it because it sounded too much like spinach cinema, I\'m here to tell you not to miss out.

有人说,许多获得奥斯卡大奖或提名的电影看起来很闷,也许就是这种“菠菜电影”。无论是去年表达人生选择困惑的《时时刻刻》(The Hour),还是今年揭示现代都市人孤独迷茫的《迷失东京》(Lost in Translation),表现坚毅执着人格的《奔腾年代》(Seabiscuit),都没有大起大落的故事情节,也没有令人瞠目的特技镜头,但是看过这些影片的观众一定会为其中人物的命运感叹、惋惜或落泪。

想想颇受儿童喜爱的卡通片《大力水手》(Popeye the Sailor Man),其中的主角卜派(Popeye)就是靠吃菠菜不断地长大和强壮,并完成了一系列的探险和英雄壮举。

看来,用spinach 来形容某类电影,其中的含义不言而喻。对许多人来说,奶油巧克力的一定比清水菠菜美味,但是长久而言,对身体更有益的一定是菠菜。因此,不时地看看这类电影,就好比定期摄取营养成分一样,对人的身心一定有益。

除了用来形容电影之外,spinach 还可以用来形容其他的事物,例如:

spinach television / spinach book / eat-your-spinach literature

{注:《大力水手》(Popeye the Sailor Man)的卡通形象由美国漫画家西格 (Elzie Segar) 于1929年创作,后由阿根廷漫画家吉勒摩?莫迪洛( Guillermo Mordillo)于1960年为派拉蒙(Paramount)电影公司设计动画造型并搬上屏幕。}